Charter schools are welcome to use the Colorado Performance Management System independently of their authorizer, if they would like. If your charter school is interested in this process, please complete the steps below in order to use the system. Each school will need to create an Excel file with all users they anticipate entering the system. Schools may either use a user upload template or submit one with the equivalent information as an export from their HR system. Templates will typically begin being uploaded the second full week of June. Once a template is submitted, it will take one week to process before users can enter the system.
Prepare to Add Users to the System
Please make sure all records reflect current employees prior to submitting users.
Each charter school will need to select a Local Access Manager (LAM) to manage their user accounts.
LAMs will need to gather the following information for each of the users they would like to have access the system:
Educator Identification Number (EDID) – each charter school will need to work with their Authorizer to obtain an EDID for each user. Please allow time to gather these as there may be a wait for new employees.
First Name, Last Name
Charter School Email – this will also be their username for the system
CDE School Code
Role – The COPMS has 15 different roles in the system, each offering different levels of access. Please review the role guidance document to determine the appropriate role. Each organization in the system will need to have someone assigned as the Superintendent/Executive Director or Designee. For most charter schools, this will be the school leader or principal.
Using the template to add users
Once your file template is complete, please email (note: do not email the file template). A secure file transfer process will be initiated to submit the file using a secure file transfer system called Syncplicity. Please allow for one business week to add the users to the system.
Adding users manually using CDE identity management
For information on managing accounts in IdM, please refer to the LAM Quick Guide.Please note: the users will not be reflected in the system until after the nightly upload or if the user logs in immediately. Please visit the Annual Transition webpage for more details.
As employees join or leave the school, it is the responsibility of the charter school LAM to make sure updates occur within the IDM so that the COPMS reflects current information.
If an employee joins the school, the LAM will need to make sure an account is created.
If an employee leaves the school, the LAM will need to deactivate the account for that employee.
For employees switching roles, LAMs will need to make adjustments to reflect the new role.
For employees switching evaluators, adjustments will need to be made within the COPMS to reflect the new evaluator. Videos for evaluator management can be found on the help tab within the system.
If you have any questions regarding the onboarding process, please do not hesitate to contact
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