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Colorado Promising Practices features schools and districts that are doing innovative work to further education in Colorado. For more information, email CDE Communications

Stories of Promising Practice: Peyton School District Woods Manufacturing Program

One-quarter of Peyton High School's students take part in the school's Woods Manufacturing Program, a woodworking career and technical education program that started only two years ago. The program's founders look to expand the idea to districts across the country.

Friday, December 1, 2017

Stories of Promising Practice: Prairie School District

Prairie School District, in an area of Colorado where beef cattle production ranches dominate the economy, offers a popular bovine reproduction class. The class helps teach children of ranch owners a necessary science and also is a pathway into careers in animal science and other biology.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Stories of Promising Practice: Conrad Ball Middle School

Conrad Ball Middle School in Loveland used a three-year grant to rework its instructional practices, including developing a "Plus Schedule" that would allow teachers to have more time to plan.

Monday, October 23, 2017

Stories of Promising Practice: CIVA Charter High School

At CIVA Charter High School, teachers are trained in Quantum Learning, which focuses on attention span. The theory is that 15 minutes is the longest most people can focus on a specific task using a single approach. Consequently, most classroom lessons at CIVA are taught in 15-minute blocks, with teachers shifting between visual, auditory and kinesthetic approaches to instruction.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Stories of Promising Practice: Assessment Literacy in Centennial Middle School

Centennial Middle School in Montrose had low expectations and a subpar academic record before it implemented the Colorado Assessment Literacy Program, helping the school to increase student academic success.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017
